Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership

Program Objective
The program aims to improve the participants’ knowledge, thought and practice of HRM.
- Define strategic HRM and formulate a HRM strategy for the organization;
- Concepts and practices essential to effective HRM;
- Critical areas for effective performance
- Key skills needed to communicate effectively with different stakeholders in an organization;
- Effective methods and techniques to manage employee performance to achieve organization goal.
Program Contents
Module 1: Introduction to Strategic HRM
- Strategic Human Resource Planning in a changing business and organizational environment
- Integrated approach to HRM & HRD in one’s Organizational context
- Recruitment and Selection in the context of globalization and new-age technology
Module 2: Business Leadership
- Team Building & Team Management
- Leading and Managing Change
- Self-Management, Negotiation and People Management Skills
- Conflict Management, Problem-Solving & Decision making
Module 3: Performance Management
- Performance Evaluation & Management
- Creating high-worth employees through Training & defined learning
- Restructuring and dealing with Redundancy
Participants will gain new ideas, knowledge and methods to design and implement a robust strategic HR policy to manage their own organization, more effectively and efficiently. Learn ways to create a ‘win-win’ situation for employees, the organization and the leadership.
- Gaining insight into the principles underlying optimization of human efficiency at work;
- Understand and develop skills necessary for strategic human resource management;
- Improve one’s own effectiveness in ‘managing teams’ and effective leadership;
- Ways to enhance employee-performance, their involvement at work, and managing high performance-team
Who Should Attend
Human resources managers and senior professionals across all sectors, specialists, Team leaders & Line Managers, Business partners in the functional areas of HR as well as those who are responsible for evaluating HR and its effectiveness in an organization.
Program Duration & Venue
This one-week training program is going to be conducted at Asian Institute of Technology Campus in Bangkok, Thailand. The schedule for the conduct of the training program is 18 – 22 May 2020.
Fees Information
The tuition fee is US$ 1,500/- per person which covers cost of resource input, set of training materials, refreshments during the training sessions, airport transfers, transportation for scheduled study visits, social and cultural visits during weekends and minor medical expenses at AIT Medical Clinic (if necessary) and accident insurance. The tuition fee does not include accommodation, DSA & Air-fare.
To apply for this program and for more information, please contact below to discuss the application procedure and other details:
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dash
Senior Program Specialist
AIT Extension, Asian Institute of Technology
P. O. Box 4, Klong Luang,
Pathumthani - 12120, Thailand
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Tel: +66 2 524-5358, Fax: +66 2 524-6332
Mobile: +66 89 765-9225
วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม 2563
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ทรงพล แสงพันธ์
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24 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563 เวลา 14:04 น.
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ทรงพล แสงพันธ์