CSR (Corporate Sustainability Responsibility)

Advance Level Course on CSR
It’s not what you do with your money; it’s how you make it
Most companies approach corporate social responsibility as an additional chore to be tolerated in the interest of image and public relations. They paint schools, plant trees, or donate computers to civil society organizations and consider their CSR mission to be fulfilled.
The truth is that CSR involves no single set of projects or activities. Rather, it is an approach to doing business that complements rather than competes with traditional business functions like marketing, financial management, and operations. Properly understood, CSR becomes a mindset that strengthens a company’s culture, clarifies its values, and improves its internal processes.
If this sounds like a miraculous combination of benefits, then you are beginning to understand the value that CSR brings to an organization. Improved staff morale; lower employee turnover; and enhanced risk management are among the advantages that an appropriate CSR outlook can offer a company.
But how do we incorporate this CSR perspective into the company DNA, disassociating it from quick fixes and melding it into the long-term business strategy? What does a CSR-savvy company – or branch, or division – look like? Is it financially viable? Practical?
We will answer these questions and more in an action-packed workshop lasting a day and a half. You will identify and dissect the issues for which your company must be preparing, today; devise appropriate responses; and collaborate to achieve a consensus about the direction in which corporate strategy should be headed.
วัตถุประสงค์ (objective)
To understand that CSR is about impact, and that measuring impact involves identifying the corporate culture and values; taking into consideration all stakeholders (not simply shareholders); and correcting systems and processes that can be harmful, no matter the intentions of the individuals working with them.
The VISIS methodology:
VISIS stands for Vision – Indicators – Systems – Innovations – Strategy. It represents a tried and proven brainstorming structure that allows everyone to arrive at a common understanding of the challenges facing companies in today’s ever-changing and competitive market.
The Iceberg analogy:
Just like an iceberg, much of what determines a company’s persona lies beneath the sea, out of sight. We will practice applying this analogy to real-world problem-solving.
Sustainability/CSR action plan:
Understanding the issues and addressing them are two different things. We will brainstorm practical approaches to incorporating a CSR outlook into strategic planning.
Sustainability Indicators
These allow us to gauge our progress towards becoming an organization that approaches its market holistically, considering all aspects and stakeholders in an effort to develop long-term solutions that will permit the company to operate successfully long into the future… which is to say, to operate sustainably.
สิ่งที่ท่านจะได้เรียนรู้ (What You Will Learn)
- What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
- How can a CSR mindset benefit the company?
- Engaging stakeholders productively
- Clarifying corporate values
- Pyramid Workshop incorporating the perspectives of Nature, Society, Well-being, and the Economy
- What to expect when change is introduced into your system/company
- How to go about introducing these concepts to your organization
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 สิงหาคม 2558
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AIM Training
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1 สิงหาคม 2558 เวลา 10:46 น.
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AIM Training