Online training course on "Introduction to Statistics"
Online training course on "Introduction to Statistics"
Date: 11-31 July 2020
For more information pls. visit
Course Brief:
This is a foundation level ‘accelerator’ course that helps to understand key terms in statistics such as multivariate statistics, regression, and partial differential equations (Black-Scholes, options pricing theory.) This course explores all of these techniques to identify the applicable mathematics, understand what insights it will, and will not offer, analyze common challenges in finance, apply the appropriate mathematics correctly, and critically assess the results to understand the limits of the formulae.
Those taking this could will be able to:
- Identify the applicable mathematics and understand what insights it will and will not offer
- Analyze common challenges in finance and apply the appropriate mathematics correctly
- Critically assess the results to understand the limits of the formulae.
Course outline (topics covered):
- Distributions
- Differentiation
- Risk Neutral Pricing Method
- Black Scholes & Merton Approach
- Deriving Greeks and Hedging with Greeks
- Tree Approach
- Classic Quantitative Mistakes
Course Schedule
* First live session (recorded and available to view after the class)- 12th July 11-12noon with the immediate release of video content with accompanying exercises/tests
* Second live session (recorded and available to view after the class)- 21st July 7-8 pm with the immediate release of video content with accompanying exercises/tests
* Third live session - 26th July 11-12noon
Faculty Name: Chris Lobello
Faculty Bio: Educated in the US and at INSEAD (EMBA), Chris has worked in Asian financial markets for most of his life with a focus on risk, quantitative analysis, strategy, and research. This includes time at CLSA, Daiwa, and Nomura. He is currently the Head of Strategy at Hex Trust, a Hong Kong-based Fintech company providing digital asset custody with blockchain technology. He is an adjunct faculty in Asian and European universities.
วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม 2563
หน่วยงาน/บริษัท :
AIT Extension
ชื่อผู้ติดต่อ :
Songpon Saengpun
โทร :
Tags :
2 กรกฎาคม 2563 เวลา 16:15 น.
อบรม การบริหารจัดการ-กลยุทธ์ธุรกิจ
AIT Extension
Songpon Saengpun